Amazon EC2 t2.micro WordPress Site Plugin & WordPress Update Problem [Solved]

Amazon EC2 t2 micro WordPressI tried to update one of my WordPress sites hosted on Amazon EC2 t2.micro instance and it failed. That was odd as I never had any issues with any of my WordPress sites in updating from admin.

I tried to update plugins and it also didn’t update. Then I found out that Akismet is not working as it was not connecting to their servers.

Googling didn’t help as it seems no one else has encountered this problem before.

After spending few minutes I finally solved this issue. It doesn’t too me long to figure out the solution.

I’m summarizing the issues followed by solution.

Amazon EC2 Setup

  • t2.micro instance
  • nginx server
  • Typical php/MySQL


  1. From Admin when you click on Update WordPress, page keep refreshing and it doesn’t update WordPress
  2. Same for plugins, updating plugin just keep refreshing the page and doesn’t update any plugin
  3. Settings->Akismet: Error – Akismet fails to connect to their server


The solution is very simple and it will take less than 1 minute of time to fix.

However I’m not going to giveaway the solution for free. It will cost $100. If your WordPress site has same issues as I listed above and you want solution then contact me from comments below.